Ahmed Hassan Bilal Trading & Contracting Co. WLL
15 Active Listings1 Agents1 SuperAgents
Address:Office 10th floor, Building Ahmed Hassan Bilal Trading & Cont Co, Al Najada, Al Asmakh Street, Doha, PO Box 7848
Ahmed Hassan Bilal Trading & Contracting Co. WLL
About Ahmed Hassan Bilal Trading & Contracting Co. WLL
AHB’s select rental property collection is one that encompasses the heritage of Qatar as well as the future. With properties across Doha, from Souq Waqif to the Pearl and comprising a wide variety of quality villas, townhomes, apartments and studios, AHB has been providing homes to professional expatriates and families for decades. We are renowned for our innovative interior design, superior quality fittings and delivering attentive customer service.
As one of the single largest investors at The Pearl-Qatar, AHB is undertaking its most amazing project to date - unprecedented in its unique luxury, Bilal Pearl Suites will dazzle the most discerning patrons when it opens its doors in 2012. We invite you to visit our property portfolio and choose the home of your dreams.
15 properties