Your Guide to the 7 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

For Muslims all over the world, Ramadan is the sacred month of self-reflection, devotion and self-discipline. By preparing well in advance, one can enjoy a fulfilling experience on both physical and spiritual levels. There are various methods to prepare for this holy month, however, this guide highlights 7 ways to prepare for Ramadan. 

Consider these ways and get yourself prepared:

List of 7 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

Ramadan is the holy month of the lunar calendar during which Muslims fast strictly from dawn until sunset, increase their acts of worship and read the Quran. They prepare in advance and observe this month reverently. Discover these 7 ways to prepare for Ramadan.

Get Emotionally and Mentally Ready

The first step in your Ramadan preparations should be to become emotionally and mentally ready. Although Muslims seek the pleasure of Allah throughout the year, however, this pursuit intensifies during the month of Ramadan. 

Muslims should contemplate the significance of Ramadan and strive to attain as many blessings as possible. This period can also serve as an opportunity to strengthen their relationship with Allah through performing good deeds, worshipping and seeking forgiveness for their sins. 

Increase Worship and Fasting

Offering prayers, reading the Quran and fasting are the sunnah practices of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Muslims adhere to these traditions, but the acts of worship increase during Ramadan.

Muslims can enhance their worship by offering voluntary or sunnah prayers. These prayers are not obligatory but are recommended for deepening Islamic rituals and practices. Additionally, they may begin reading the Quran to feel closer to Allah and be motivated to increase their acts of worship.

As Ramadan is a month of fasting, one of the best ways to adjust to it is to start fasting in the month of Sha’ban. Furthermore, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays or on the white days (13, 14 and 15) of each lunar month is also sunnah. This practice will help in making up for any missed fasts from the previous year’s Ramadan. 

Adopt a Nutritious Diet

Muslims should also focus on adopting a nutritious diet before and during Ramadan. Many are accustomed to indulgent feasts and fast foods, which can negatively affect their health.

Fasting abstains from food and drinks, which can present mental and physical challenges for a few days. Thus, it is advisable to incorporate grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, dates, yoghurt, nuts and eggs to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet. In addition to this, individuals should include immunity boosting foods like citrus fruits, garlic and broccoli to remain fit and active even when fasting.

It is also the sunnah of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to maintain a moderate diet without waste and lavishness. Therefore, adhering to these principles during Ramadan will result in rewards from Allah Almighty.

Maintain Eating Habits

Muslims are prohibited from consuming any food or drinks from dawn until sunset during the fast and must partake in a pre-dawn meal known as suhoor. Thus, it is essential to establish proper eating habits by having an early breakfast to prepare the body for a change in routine. 

People should also consume filling and healthy meals to train their bodies to be content with fewer meals or to skip lunch. However, don’t forget to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet before and during Ramadan to protect yourself from illness and weakness. 

Make a Schedule Beforehand

Muslims should aim to reduce unnecessary activities and limit distractions that may hinder their spiritual and religious objectives. They can compile a list of essential daily tasks, such as schooling, job, daily household chores and other activities.

Next, enumerate the activities necessary for achieving spiritual goals, including obligatory prayers, attending Islamic lectures and more. By creating a daily schedule that accounts for both routine and Ramadan activities, you can accomplish all essential tasks without any hassle or exhaustion. 

Plan Charity Giving

Engaging in charity is another virtuous act that should be performed more frequently. Muslims can plan their zakat, deciding when and to whom it should be given in advance. Additionally, charity encompasses not just monetary donations but also items such as food and clothing. 

Muslims may also arrange to distribute iftar, groceries and other food items to those in need. They can organise clothing donations by gathering items ahead of time to provide for those in need before Eid.

Embrace Patience and Kindness

Ramadan extends beyond fasting; it encompasses patience, kindness and controlling anger. While these virtues should be cultivated throughout the year, they hold particular significance during Ramadan.

Muslims should strive to be tolerant, loyal and helpful to others, making these behaviours a habit. Additionally, it is essential to restrain one’s speech and anger and avoid actions that may cause harm to others.


What Are the Things to Do During Ramadan?

There are numerous activities to engage in during Ramadan that can keep you spiritually active. These include performing obligatory and additional prayers, reading the Quran, listening to Islamic lectures, engaging in charitable acts, helping others and more.

What Are the Three Rules of Ramadan?

There are several rules that Muslims should follow during Ramadan. However, the three main rules of Ramadan include:

  1. Keep a fast and abstain from consuming food and drinks from dawn until sunset.
  2. Worship as much as possible and strengthen your connection with Allah Almighty by offering prayers, reading the Quran, exploring and listening to teachings about Islam and more.
  3. Control your anger, practise patience and kindness and perform good deeds such as charity.


Muslims prefer to prepare for Ramadan in advance. This preparation helps them to enhance their focus on worship and good deeds. However, if you are anticipating Ramadan in hot weather, you can opt for summer foods to beat the heat and maintain a balanced diet.

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